Orders in Hand
“Have you signed a contract on a house yet?” were the words my husband heard from the assignment officer on the other end of the line. With orders in hand, we had just spent most of our Christmas leave at our next duty station looking at neighborhoods and houses for the upcoming move. This assignment was in a city where we were eager to relocate. My husband was looking forward to the job for which his new boss-to-be had handpicked him. Win-win, right?
You guessed it. A few phone conversations later and my husband’s assignment was changed. We would be headed three states over to a totally unfamiliar environment and a yet-to-be-determined job for my husband.
At times like this, a number of questions run through a wife’s mind, such as: “Who did my husband tick off?” or “Do assignment officers have a clue about what they are doing?” or “Does the military even care about what we want?”
Looking at today’s Scripture focus, Paul may have had a few questions about where he wanted to go too. The Scripture states that Paul and team desired to go to Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them. Whoa—assignment orders changed by Jesus himself? One would think that Paul ran every assignment by the Lord before hitting the road to the next place. The Scripture is not clear about that part, but what is clear is that the Spirit of Jesus changed Paul’s next assignment.
If you are concerned about your next assignment, I have good news for you. First, God has a plan for you and knows where he wants you to be. Second, God knows how the assignment process works for each branch of service. Third, God can easily direct the mind of the key assignment person that writes your husband’s orders.
By the way, the changed assignment I mentioned above ended up being one of the most crucial assignments for my husband’s military career, and one of the most rewarding for my family and me. Trust God to direct your next assignment, even if your orders are changed!