I Used to be the Perfect Parent
I used to be the perfect parent—until I had children.
Honestly, I am so far from perfection, yet I place before me that standard. Crazy, right? Comparing our parenting skills (or lack thereof) with the countless Facebook status updates we read from friends and acquaintances leaves us feeling inadequate. Can I tell you something you can take to the bank? There are no perfect parents and no perfect kids.
A discussion on the website militaryspouse.com highlights some of the issues military moms struggle with concerning the need to be perfect:
My kids see me worrying about the next big change.
I have a hard time being positive around the kids.
I rely on my kids too much when my husband is deployed.
I hate to cook family meals, especially during deployments.
I try to be the perfect parent, and then burn out.
Well, my perfection-seeking, never-hit-the-mark, fall-so-far-below-the-standard sister, I have good news for you! Remember the scriptural description of Noah as “righteous” and “blameless?” Remember that he was the only person in the world committed to God? Remember that he was a preacher of righteousness? Remember that God had such confidence in him that he put him in charge of the earth’s do-over? Brace yourself—Noah was not perfect. He did not always act honorably. The account of saintly obedient Noah is in Genesis 6–8, but the account of drunken shameful Noah follows in Genesis 9.
While not perfect, our imperfection is not a license to stop trying to be a good parent. When—not if—we make mistakes we can seek help from the Lord and, when appropriate, ask forgiveness from our family. The family of God lives on a healthy diet of mercy and grace. We should always give parenting our best effort, and trust the Lord to fill the gap when we fall short.