Families Take Care of Each Other
I cannot begin to grasp the sadness, fear, and grief Mary must have felt as she watched Jesus journey to the cross. Her son—her firstborn—was fighting his most significant battle to accomplish the ultimate victory for mankind. The battle with spiritual and physical forces weakened him to the point of total exhaustion. His suffering was beyond comprehension. Yet surrounded by political authorities and bystanders who demanded his death, he showed concern for his mother.
This scene at the cross exemplifies the strength of family ties and the responsibility we have to care for each other even during the most difficult times. Jesus knew that after his death and resurrection, he would no longer continue as Mary’s son in the flesh, but her human needs for care would remain. He assigned the disciple he loved the role of caregiver.
Her grief was palpable, but for her this was not the end. As you read the first chapter of the book of Acts, you will discover that Mary was waiting in the Upper Room with all who had gathered for the promised Holy Spirit to come. She was present at the formation of the church as described in Acts 1:14: “All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers.” She would continue to claim and proclaim Jesus as Messiah and Lord. The same Holy Spirit, who overshadowed her when the angel came and told her she would give birth to Jesus, would fill her with power to carry on the mission of Jesus after his resurrection.
Jesus shows us how we can fulfill our individual calling in life, while expressing an appropriate level of concern for others in our family and doing what we can to meet their needs.