Sign on the Dotted Line
Renewal of vows is the focus of Weddings for Warriors. The nonprofit organization, founded in Savannah by Becky and James Byous, seeks to celebrate military marriages that remain firm despite the challenges. Each year, hundreds of volunteers provide their services and supplies to help military couples remember the priority of their marriage. I have never attended a renewal of marriage vows, but I can imagine it is a meaningful and moving event. Family members publicly vowing to love and value one another is powerful.
Chapter 10 of Nehemiah reads almost like a renewal of vows. As a nation, the Jewish people looked back to previous spiritual journeys. Together, they vowed total allegiance to what God said to them through the covenant made with Moses, “to follow the Law of God … and to obey carefully all the commands, regulations, and decrees of the LORD our God.” The covenant was both a personal and corporate commitment that people signed, sealed, and recorded. They publicly testified to their neighbors that they were presenting themselves afresh to God. This covenant held specific and precise promises because true renewal cannot succeed on sweeping statements and vague declarations. This covenant got to the nitty-gritty details of marriage, money, and worship.
The people of God purposed to make their commitment more than just a new desire; they purposed to show their commitment through renewed action. This was an opportunity to start fresh and get it right—to make changes and adjustments.
A renewal of vows can be lovely and meaningful, but is not necessary to renew the commitment you and your family have for God and for each other. In what ways do you desire to start fresh in your commitment to one another?